The physical form may be printed at home, filled in, signed & stamped by a licensed physician and their office, then uploaded to FinalForms (link below).
Please note:
All students must have a record of immunizations on file in the Nurse's Office prior to entry. The health care provider shall furnish immunization records.
New York State Department of Education requires an annual physical for new entrants, students in Grades K, 2, 4, 7, 10, sports, working permits and triennially for the Committee on Special Education. Additionally, a dental health certificate shall be requested of each student at the same time the health certificates are required.
As per New York State Regulations, the nurses perform the mandated screenings. All new entrants are screened for color perception, near and distance acuity, hyperopia, hearing, and scoliosis. Tenth grade students are seen for distance vision and hearing screenings. Parents/guardians will be notified in writing of any deficits or concerns that are noted during the screenings
Holy Trinity uses an all digital clearing platform called FinalForms for all of our sports teams medical clearances. This streamlines all pertinent medical and emergency info between the Nurse's Office, Athletic Trainer, the Athletic Department, and the Coaches.
Every student who is trying out for a sport MUST be cleared on Final Forms prior to participating in practice/tryouts. See the Try Out Information link (from the Athletics drop down menu) for dates/times of tryouts.
To register for a sport and get cleared to participate:
-select sport(s) student-athlete plans on trying out for
-parent/guardian must register, fill out the information on Final Forms - Holy Trinity HS and sign all required forms
-student-athlete must sign all required forms
-upload an up-to-date physical. The student's most recent physical must be uploaded into Final Forms to get cleared, not just handed into the nurse or emailed.
-If applicable, upload a copy of the self-carrier form (found on our Health & Medical Forms page) if the student carries any medications on them such as epipens, asthma pumps, OTC anti-inflammatories/pain medication, etc.
Any medical forms must be signed & stamped by a licensed physician and their office.
If you already have an up to date physical (or any other medical forms) in the portal from fall sports, you do not need to upload it again. You will only need to upload a new one once it expires.
In addition to the link for the registration site, there is also the "Parent Playbook" which explains step by step how to go through the registration process.