Holy Trinity Athletics uses an all digital, online, platform called FinalForms for all of our sports teams medical clearances. This platform helps us streamline all pertinent medical and emergency info between the Nurse's Office, Athletic Trainer, the Athletic Department, and the Coaches.
Every student who is trying out for a sport MUST be cleared prior to participating in practice/tryouts.
A new clearance is needed for each season.
Final Forms will open for Spring Sports Clearances on February 4th.
The deadline to be cleared for all tryouts is February 21st.
If you are not cleared, you will not be allowed to try out.
To register for a sport and get cleared to participate:
-parent/guardian must register (select a sport), fill out the information on Final Forms - Holy Trinity HS and sign all required forms
-student-athlete must sign all required forms
-upload an up-to-date NYS physical. The student's most recent physical must be uploaded into Final Forms to get cleared, not just handed into the nurse or emailed.
-Please make sure your physician fills out the exam date, signs the form, and has the office stamp it to avoid a delay in athlete getting cleared.
-If applicable, upload a copy of the self-carrier form (found on our Health & Medical Forms page) if the student carries any medications on them such as epipens, asthma pumps, OTC anti-inflammatories/pain medication, etc.
Any medical forms must be signed & stamped by a licensed physician and their office.
If you already have an up to date physical (or any other medical forms) in the portal, you do not need to upload it again. You will only need to upload a new one once it expires.
Below is the "Holy Trinity Parent Playbook", which outlines the registration process step by step.